Cultural differences leading me (38M) to think of divorcing wife (33F). Am I expecting too much?

My wife and I have been together since grad school (>10 Years). She is culturally East Asian and I am Latino. She explained to me before marriage that it would be difficult marrying outside her South Indian culture and that she would have to care for her parents. I thought about and eventually agreed to these terms and the expected hardships that would arise.

We were married. Her brother didn’t show up and her father refused to help with the wedding financially and didn’t talk to her for a year or so.

Fast forward a couple years. We have 2 kids, and her parents live with us full time, help with the kids and don’t contribute financially at all, which I don’t mind. They hardly interact with me personally.

Here are the issues. I went from living alone since the age of 15 to cohabitating with a family that’s culturally and linguistically different. I consider myself a kind person with a temper. I have been understanding and kind. Her parents culturally do things a lot differently than I’m used to, which has taken getting used to and been a lot of complaining to my wife. I have been accused to having an affair with my wife’s mother by my father-in-law, ignored by her family, treated as an outsider, and when they communicate, they do so in another language even though they know a little English. When I ask my wife for a translation, she says “learn Tamil”. I react to these instances responding “how the fuck is that an acceptable response?!”.

When I speak to my wife, her response is “what do you want me to do?! Kick them out!”

My wife and I don’t have the best relationship. There is physically no affection and little sex. When there is sex, my wife just kind of lays there. So, I feel like I do a lot and deal with a lot, and get no appreciate of physical validation.

Im thinking more and more of a divorce. Is this normal and I’m just being extra?

I feel that I deal with a lot and get anything in return. My wife tells me I’m being entitled. I want a wife that appreciated me, everything I do and wants a healthy sex life.

TL;DR: cultural differences with family and getting no affection and appreciation. Should I get a divorce?