Life after death
I would say I believe somewhat in reincarnation. I would say somewhat believe because we honestly can’t know these things one way or another. I believe that when we die we either transfer our soul into an embryo, or leave this planet of existence for an even greater form of existence which I can’t necessarily speak on because it’s all speculation. I believe the heaven and hell thoughts and NDE reports are the final visions/thoughts experienced as the brain is flooded with dimethyltryptamine upon death. The idea of heaven and hell being a material reality like ours with human form sounds absurd to me. Scientifically energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. Our souls are the energy which are constantly transferred into a new human form. I believe, or I guess I should say, I want to believe that there is another option. An option to opt out of reincarnating and being part of this reality over and over. This option may be what people refer to as heaven, but I feel like its more of a free flow energy existence without the hinderance of the human condition. These ideas of course are the main ideas of Buddhism and laid out in the Tibetan book of the dead. This philosophy will always make more sense than believing in something that is pretty far fetched and genuinely flawed in many areas.