3-MMC is the best drug ever (outside of psychedelics)

EDIT: Read first: https://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/comments/1ikku4p/im_sorry_a_year_after_3mmc/

Ok. Yes, I know. The title. But...how can it be that 3-MMC works the same, every time? And every redose is better than the previous one.

I do it pretty much daily (yes, I know). I usually dose 3 times, 200mg capsule each. By the end of the day I feel like a gazillion bucks. Nectar of immortality flowing through my body. The good feels just build up and up.

I sleep fantastically well. There's no problem sleeping on this stuff, I've fallen asleep 2 hours after the last redose if I'm tired enough. I have vivid dreams and remember them.

And the thing is, not only do I function, I'm some kind of a super-me. I do great at work. Like, really really great. I have a fine job and a standing offer from a cool startup company because they loved me so much at the interview. (I know this is ego inflation speaking and I don't care because it also happens to be true, which gives me the inalienable right to feel good about myself and say it.)

What does this have to do with MMC? Firstly, there's the social aspect, which is off the charts. I also have a feeling the receptor saturation improves cognitive function. You become aware of a broader spectrum of considerations and options within a network of possibilities surrounding a particular concept or problem you're solving. It feels like your mind can reach deeper, broader, fuller. Like you're running with twice the amount of compute compared to your non-altered state. Circles be run round and around.

My friendship and relationship situations are unbelievably wholesome. I'm surrounded by people who love me and I love them. I hang out with someone every day. I go out clubbing 3-4 nights a week and somehow it's sustainable. I sleep 5 days out of 7 and it's not a problem.

The social aspects are not thanks to MMC, of course. What me be pointing out here is that MMC use doesn't get in my way. It doesn't problematize my life. I don't avoid chores and responsibilities. I relish them because doing things is fun, talking to people is fun, and getting things done is super fun and feels like warm fuzzies and tingles.

I stopped an ugly alcohol habit a couple days into my on-ramp to the MMC train. There's no reason to drink when you feel this good. You could say I replaced the alcohol habit with an MMC habit. True that, and now instead of being drunk and feeling depressed I feel sexy and supercharged. I'll take that trade of addictions anytime.

Now, let's look under the hood. How sustainable and healthy is this?

Well. I never could do MDMA 2 days in a row because it just didn't work the second day and made me feel like my brain was dry of brain juice kinda like the Sahara desert is dry of water. Also, the suicide Tuesday comedown. Oh my, the suicide Tuesday comedown. When the walls are closing in and the tears are flowing fast and salty.

MDMA would always make me chew my tongue raw. Nothing like that happens with MMC. MDMA would make me feel hyper and loved up and then in the deep pit of despair you go 10 minutes later and then back on the horse and so it goes, up and down and up and down. MMC is like a flying carriage of the mighty Santa Claus, shining in rainbow colors. There is no down, unless you decide to fly your X-Wing in that direction. MMC jet fuel carries reliably and steadily for a good 4-5 hours. Every time. Like a Shinkanzen train, it can be relied upon.

I don't know how it does that and the mechanism of action remains a tantalizing mystery. The substance could be a reuptake inhibitor, like cocaine. My estimation, derived from a lot of practical experience with reuptake inhibitors such as aforementioned fishy scaley gasoliney coca extract; with methylphenidate; with MAOIs and other things reuptakey-inhibitory, is that MMC indeed is a reuptake inhibitor and this property is in fact the majority contributor to its range of effects.

There is more to it. It's also a 5-HT* agonist according to literature. It's also supposedly a releaser. If it is, the amounts released are small enough that my body is able to replenish supplies on the go. Brain juice be flowing good and juicy up in this outfit.

I adjusted my diet for serotonin and dopamine synthesis. I asked GPT4 for the instructions. I have a feeling it helps. Why wouldn't it. Of course it would, the body is a witches cauldron and we brew whatever we want in it.

I welcome all naysayers to have their say. Please. I really elicit and solicit feedback that will shine light into shadow parts of this.

It's just...given that it works every time, it means there are neurotransmitters to play with, every time. MDMA doesn't work every time. Cocaine (SNDRI) does. Once you blow your cache of serotonin on MDMA, which happens fast with Miss Molly, you're done and you have to wait for a week or two at the very least for it to even have hints of working the next time. And it's gonna work for 60 minutes and then become a seedy speedy horny amphet high. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Bitch in the heat vibes big time 🤫

It ain't so with this beauty. It just works and continues to work. Recently, I did it daily for 8 days, then a 3 day break and now I am on the fifth day of daily use and once again experiencing the best roll of my life right now...until the next one. This is simply how MMC works.

What is this drug?? That it was summarily banned is reprehensible, deeply flawed, unscientific and downright malicious when you consider the potential present here. This is the ultimate antidepressant pick-me-up. It pulverizes sadness, pondering, rumination.

This curious little ruby gem of a chemical and her brethren and coven of sisters need to be studied, derivatives and extended release formulations made, experimented with and considered for use in depression, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, anhedonia, sexual frigidity, obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD, relationship trouble and their ilk. This can help people. It feels wholesome. Not every drug feels wholesome, in fact most of them don't. I would know because I've tried them all. Figuratively speaking.

By now, I'm pretty good at detecting when substances hurt my system. I'm not a naive user, I've been at this for a long time and whenever I lose my way I lick some needlepoint LSD off my wrist and it puts me back onto the track.

Liz is not telling me this is dangerous. She's fine with it, it would appear. You could play the "too good to be true" card. Isn't that just a cliche and a matrix program, though? Of course it is. "Too good to be true". Mind malware detected. Disabled by becoming aware of it.

No. This is just good. Very good, perhaps even ridiculously good but not "too good". I deserve to feel excellent and to be happy and so does every being capable of feeling.

May all beings be happy and free. May the spice flow unimpeded, always, for everyone who may benefit. Om Mani Padme Hung 🪷

The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. Travel without moving.