To the one person I apparently inconvenienced so badly while I was shift changing

I'm sorry that I wasted those precious 10 seconds of your miserable, fleeting life for one single mistake I made while shift changing. Clearly what I should've done was stop whatever crucial task I was doing to service this one customer I've never met before, because he's JUST that special. I'm sure it'll be fine if I screw up counting the cash and input the wrong amount in the report and get written up for it; but GOD FORBID I ever mildly inconvenience you, random fucking person that's never entered this store until now. I should've prioritized your satisfaction of a quick transaction over my own job security. Clearly I'm in the wrong here for inconveniencing such a valued member of society. I'm very sure whatever you had planned to do with those extra 10 seconds were very vital, and totally not inconsequential what-so-ever!

Seriously though go fuck yourself man. Maybe if you fish that stick out of your ass, you wouldn't be so miserable you pathetic twat