If you think you suffer RJ, be aware...

This subreddit contains a lot of post written by people that don't suffer from RJ (and never did). And they just write judgemental posts trying to explain you (who suffer RJ) that you are just an a**hole that didn't understand how the world works.

These guys would tell someone that is dying from cancer, that cancer doesn't exist and it's just them not putting effort in living. That is how broken their understanding is. So just skip them.

When you start reading posts that blame you for your condition, just skip them. Some example posts are "People on this sub need to realize: if you were his/her first, you would still indeed become insecure, just in a different way. ", "RJ: A childish form of selfishness disguised as insecurity"

RJ is a condition described and documented, and related to Anxiety disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and depression.