Do you think bigfoot hunters know about monster f***ers?

So, the hubs and I are watching Mountain Monsters, he listens to the Bigfeets podcast and it's hilarious and gives context to this rediculous, poorly made, barely intelligable show.


We're watching the episode, Bigfood of Lee county: the Ravenmocker, and all I can think is 'there has to be a monster romance out there like this somewhere, right? And if there isn't, there should be.'

So far there's this crew of hillbillies hunting monsters and there's supposed to be this 8 foot tall bigfoot that's jet black and can shape shift into a human and maaayyybbeeee a raven, and has magic 'native american' powers. Earlier in the series they've established that the bigfoots (they're a race, haha) sometimes take human brides. All the hunters are like "there's evil in them woods" And, there's a woman, a witch, in the woods who's working with the Ravenmocker Bigooft and fucking with the bigfoot hunters.

It's hard to explain how badly I want this subplot of the witch being the Bigfoot's mate to be a thing! They keep calling her an "old woman" and a witch but the laugh on the camera sounds youthful, delightful even.

Has anyone else seen this show? Had a similar experience with a show? Or, fingers crosed, read a novel even if it was barely readable!