I don’t share food with my roommate
My roommate feels a way about me never sharing my home cooked meals with her. The thing is we are both broke just out of college trying to survive and when I cook it’s for me to eat for the rest of week or however long the food lasts.
She rarely cooks and thinks I cook because I like to do so and not because it’s a survival skill that saves me money.
Sometimes when I cook she’ll come in and say she’s so hungry and that my food smells good. I feel like this is her way of trying to get me to offer some without asking but I also just say damn that sucks but thank you (for the compliment on my cooking) 💀 she kinda stands there for a bit and watches me cook and then either makes a face or does a long sigh and walk away.
My thing is I wouldn’t mind sharing food if it was mutually beneficial (like I get the ingredients cook dinner one time and we eat the leftovers and then she does it the next time) but like I said she rarely cooks and is always eating junk take out so I don’t see the reason in me sharing my meals as it would cost me more money in the long run as the food runs out faster and then it would be on me to make more food.
Like on her end I understand she make think it’s only 1-2 servings less of my food but on my end that’s 1-2 days less of lunch or dinner that I now need to figure out what I’m gonna eat.