Fellow scapers, how're you getting to 110 fletching without breaking your bank?

Context: I got 99 fletching more than a decade ago with magic shieldbows, which I later high alch'd for profit. I've played the game for a total of four-ish months over the last decade, all since 2023.

For the first time since my return, I checked out the fletching training for P2P and the calculator. The training page seems broken as the "slow but cheap" section are loss making at the higher levels and I'm not even sure any of those will sell. I'm struggling to find a reliable method to train where the XP is decent and I can either sell or use the end product for something useful myself. If it helps, I can afford to burn upto 30M to get 110.

Any tips would be appreciated!

P.S - I would mostly search the subreddit for such questions, but this and this post made me think the new updates haven't been smooth for a large chunk of the players.