Announcing SW4RM-RS v0.1.0: A rust crate to parse OpenAPI specs and generate models!
I'm proud to announce the creation of my new crate, SW4RM-RS.
I started working with the Riot Games and Bungie APIs, and noticed support for OpenAPI is lacking some key things I wanted.
OAS3 and openapi have odd features, don't support certain versions of OpenAPI, or can be hard to work with. They also are not updated frequently, and, in openapi's case, haven't seen an update in 3 years.
openapi-generator isn't written in Rust, doesn't generate Rust models in a Rusty way, and only supports v2.
This crate aims to solve both these issues, by providing the user with a model to parse OpenAPI specs of all versions in one simple model, and a way to generate models through a cargo command or in a build script at compile time.
Please note that at this time, generation is not complete and is on the roadmap. There is also some lacking documentation. I really wanted to get the parsing part of this crate out and available to developers so I can get feedback and improve the parsing.