~~Kittens for Adoption~~

Update: The momma cat has taken the kittens back into the woods on the property, once we're able to capture them and get them all to a vet we'll update here

Hey guys - It's kitten season! I've got 4 kittens, and 1 adult cat up for adoption. All 5 cats are strays that my wife and I have been taking care of on our property in Prince Edward.

1 Female Adult Ginger DSH (Mother to all of the kittens probably around 2-3 years old)[Really sweet, loves people, will assuredly make a fantastic companion and lap cat]

1 Grey Tabby Kitten(Currently 1 Week old)

1 Ginger Kitten(Currently 1 Week old)

1 Orange Tabby Kitten(Currently 1 Week old)

1 Orange Tabby (Unknown age - Jouvenile but neither fully grown nor kitten)[Rowdy and rambunctious, but very sweet, loves people, and loves attention even more]

Each of the three kittens will be available once they are old enough to be weaned from their mother, and none of the cats have had any veterinary care past first aid of injuries as we have not yet been able to get them to the vet. (Had planned to do so last week, but we had a medical emergency and the mother cat gave birth to the kittens)

I'll have pictures available tonight once I can take pictures of them, and please note, that you will be interviewed and will not be allowed to just take them. They will not be adopted out to any home that either I or my wife feel could not take care of them properly.