Closed my first 100k+ deal! And then I didn’t.

I’m going to be vague in an attempt to keep anonymity.

I held the intro for this Non-Profit in December 2023. After some encouraging conversations, it became obvious timing was off. Fast forward to November 2024 - we reconnect. What followed was nearly daily meetings, multiple demos, and rigorous negotiating for 2 months. I gave everything I had to close this deal. Countless late nights and weekend work. After 5 years in Sales, I really wanted this.

Two weeks ago, I got the coveted signature.

Then Trump was inaugurated on Monday. He immediately signed an Executive Order that somehow meant revoking already approved funding for this refugee focused Non-Profit. They had to lay off 90% of their staff within 24 hours. So, they backed out of the deal.

And at my company, nothing is finalized until the client premiers on our platform. We were 9 days away from the premier date.

I went from thinking I was going to my first presidents club, to being behind on this quarters quota.

I’ve never felt more discouraged than I do today. It’s like all the air has been zapped from my lungs. I’ve felt lows before in this job, but never like this. I’m sure this will be a hilarious story in 5 years. But today, I am sad and defeated.

And yes, I do feel bad for the employees being laid off, but this is r/sales and I need to vent. Please give me some words of encouragement. This sub is my only outlet for sales