"You are coping! Coping and seething! You just can't accept what you're seeing!"

"The Acolyte haters are so insecure!" Meanwhile in reality, The Acolyte haters are having fun mocking the show for the generic garbage that it is, meanwhile shills like you have to outwardly attack old Star Wars and people who don't like The Acolyte with accusations of bigotry and cringey memes like this one. Who's really insecure?

"The Acolyte haters are so insecure!" Meanwhile in reality, The Acolyte haters are having fun mocking the show for the generic garbage that it is, meanwhile shills like you have to outwardly attack old Star Wars and people who don't like The Acolyte with accusations of bigotry and cringey memes like this one. Who's really insecure?