Cost of living compared to Chicago as someone who may move?

Hi all! I live in Chicago, I’m in my mid 20’s, I’m making $65,000 a year, and I pay $1150 a month for a 700 sqft 1 bedroom apartment right on the lake. I absolutely love Chicago, I’m from the Midwest so it still feels like home, the public transit, bike infrastructure, and walkability is amazing. I’ve never owned a car in the years I’ve lived here.

My job is opening an office in the Bay Area, most likely SF, and with the goal of being by a transportation hub. But that’s all I know so far. They are covering moving expenses.

My question is, I know that my current cost of living is very low compared to SF, and I’m sure I’ll need a salary bump if I still want to live alone.

What is a reasonable salary to ask for if I want a 1 bedroom apartment for myself, especially if I want to find it in a place that meets 15 minute city standards? I’m not fancy at all, the apartment does not need to be luxury, I just want AC. I will likely get a car for roadtripping as well so I’d need parking and will need to take that new monthly expense into consideration.

Thank you!!

Edit: Realizing that AC isn’t as necessary as it is here for the summers, thanks!

And I’m not 100% opposed to roommates, the place I’m in now is the first place I’ve lived alone after having roommates in all my previous apartments. I just got super lucky finding a spot with such low rent and now that’s I’ve lived alone I love it 😅 roomies may be the way to go though depending on what salary bump I get and where exactly the office is.

Same with car ownership…I’d rather be car-free if I don’t need a car to commute and just rent a car for trips. But I need more details from my job on location first. Just trying to get an idea of the most expensive things could be.