Did I permanently screw up my mind after smoking weed?
About a month ago, I've noticed after smoking weed with my friend, I felt different. Like I wasn't myself, memory was all foggy, couldn't feel emotions normally, and anxiety. Wasn't my first time smoking either so I was able to tell these symptoms were "normal" and calmed down. I went to sleep while still high or at least coming off of being high. Woke up, and felt something was off. Like anhedonia and the feeling of something "blocking" my thoughts. Things that used to bring me pleasure and joy no longer did. Like just an empty/blank feeling. Panic set in and I'm still paranoid and anxious about this whole situation. I just want myself back. Im afraid all the things I used to enjoy will never be enjoyed again. It's scaring the crap outta me. I feel super depersonalized.
Is any of this normal or am I the first case of permanent brain damage via weed?