For those who are in heighschool and have after school jobs?
How do yall balance going to school and having a outside job? does it take away from doing acedimeic work? how do you make time to do what you like? (hanging out with friends, video games, hobbies ect) does it affect your grades? How do you make sure to get enough sleep? my school has a 7:15am 1st period start time, and i have to be at the school by 6:30am if i want to have breakfast in the cafeteria. Also whats the best work schedule to have if you go to school 5 days a week, when is it best to have breaks?
Are Summer jobs better then working during school years
I'm asking all this because I'm seriously considering getting a after school job to help my family and for personal reasons and I just don't know how much of a change it would be if I did it (Also lists any jobs that would be best to have if your a student)