This sucks
Im 24 F I have had lower back pain that shoots down my left leg it was so bad when I was at work I was crying and could only sit on a certain position and walk hunch backed or my whole back would lock up I went to my Dr and he said it was sciatica he gave me pain meds that honestly ive never taken. I don't want to just take a pain reliever I want to get rid of the problem. He told me to also do some stretches like flossing and a couple of other ones and then of course the day after I saw my Dr the pain went away. Now it is back and I am in agony. I can't stand up straight and when I walk I can only slowly shuffle my feet and I have to hold on to something. I looked in the mirror after I showered and my lower back looks inflamed and the left side of my lower back looks about an inch or so higher than the right. One of my hips are also higher looking than the other. Has anyone had this happen and what are some things that helped relieve the pain im desperate