Undeveloped vs. Developed Scorpio Moons
In light of certain......posts that have been made in this community, I thought it would be fun to talk about undeveloped and developed Scorpio moons.
People born under the same moon sign can often seem vastly different, leaving you wondering why. Individuals may embody different traits of their sign, depending on their personal journey.
Often, a person might still be navigating the immature aspects of their personality or undergoing a transition toward self-improvement, which leaves them in an undeveloped state. On the other hand, those who have worked on themselves may have refined and elevated these traits, showcasing their more evolved and mature qualities.
Undeveloped Scorpio Moon Traits
- Victim Mentality
- Manipulative
- Jealousy
- Too Secretive
- Possessive
- Resentful
Developed Scorpio Moon Traits
- Loyal
- Transformative
- Resilient
- Empowering
- Self-Control
- Comfortable Vulnerability
I hope all of us are headed towards self-improvement or have already improved. I am not posting this to offend anyone, but to educate myself and others so we can be more self aware.