Got ghosted by a girl who approached me first

So yesterday i was at a bar and went to grab a drink. While i was doing that i noticed a really pretty (outta my league for sure) girl ordering a drink right next to me. She asked me something and we talked for abt ten minutes when her drink arrived. She said she was in a hurry or something and walked away. My drink was taking a bit longer to arrive so i was still there and she then came back abt a minute later and told me to hand her my phone and she typed her number in and even gave me cute lil kiss on the cheek. I was really hyped and excited cuz stuff like this never happens to me. So today i proceeded to text her and ask her if she wants to get a coffee sometime and i never got a response. So after getting so hyped abt it i feel a bit let down. I know it will pass in like 2 days but i rly wanted to talk to someone abt this. Haven't had a chance to leave the house today so didn't talk to my friends but figured the next best thing might be to post it for strangers online to read. Might sound a bit pathetic but oh well.