Since late last year, I've completely lost enthusiasm for all my former interests.
I've been a musician for over twenty years, but lately I have no desire whatsoever to play any of my instruments. I haven't even been able to enjoy listening to any type of music.
Likewise with video games, which I've played and loved since I was about six. Now, I look at the extensive collection of games on my Xbox, and find that I'm not remotely interested in playing any of them.
I used to love my job working in audio for gigs and events. I'd get excited about using a new piece of equipment, or learning something new from a colleague. Now, I just turn up and go through the motions, with no inclination to do any more than the bare minimum.
Even my once-favourite foods now taste bland and uninteresting, and I eat only out of necessity, even forgetting to sometimes. I don't understand what's going on, but it's awful, and whatever it is, I hope it's only temporary. I can't imagine many things worse than spending the rest of my life like this.