Sister calls me ugly all the time.
It’s really only my sister, and she knows out of anyone that I have body and face issues. I’ve been told I’m pretty my whole life, besides the time that I was ten and weighed about 200 pounds. She has a selfie of my face when I was that big hanging outside of her door, and told me today that I still look like that when I asked her.
I’m about 109 now because of health issues, but people keep telling me I look nice. The picture isn’t edited, yet she told me that "you look pretty in that picture so it definitely isn’t you." I don’t know who else to tell so I thought I’d share it. I was pretty confident for about three minutes today until she told me that.
I love myself and all that, but it’s really hard when she always tells me I’m ugly. Then again, she tells me I’m pretty the same amount of times- and usually every day. I don’t know what to think, I’m not sure if she’s trying to manipulate me or something else.