Do you think NoFap is legit?
I’ve done NoFap for years. I never thought of myself as someone who had an issue but I wanted to try it anyways.
The benefits didn’t really hit me as hard as everyone say they did. Female attention was there but I think it’s always been there. My health was still the same. The only thing I’ve noticed is my sleep was better.
I’ve reached a point in my life where NoFap has left it’s marks on me. I feel awful if I look at porn. I feel awful if I masturbate. I try to remember “when was the last time I fap or saw porn?”, “oh crap what if I ruin my streak?” Even though I gave up NoFap, it still lives in my mind. I don’t think theirs nothing wrong watching porn or fapping but I feel so guilty because NoFap has sunk the idea that’s it’s terrible, horrible, it would ruin my life.
I’ve always been a all or nothing guy. Too much of something can be just as bad as too less of something.
Some days I wish I never came across NoFap. (No pun attended.)