I'm considering giving up alcohol

I'm 23m and have been really into health and wellness since high school when I started weightlifting. My parents drink occasionally and have been good influences when it comes to alcohol. I've never seen them drink excessively or get drunk. I am vegan and try to eat clean wfpb most of the time. before I turned 21 I did drink really. The first time I ever had alcohol was during my sophomore year of college with my friends. I would casually drink whatever they had at the time so maybe one or two drinks every so often. when my 21st birthday came around I was like I don't want to drink and I bought myself a NA beer for the first time. I was already aware of the negative effects of alcohol on the body. It is empty calories and significantly affects the brain. After a while, I got caught up in the college atmosphere and began to drink a lot. I would drink around three nights a week and get blackout on multiple occasions. I began to lose sight of who I was and my fitness and wellness began to become less of a priority. I was a party animal in my Junior and Senior years of college. I gained a significant amount of weight during this time. last year I began considering my priorities and decided I didn't like how much or often I was drinking. I also began focusing on my wellness and fitness again. When I graduated I significantly cut back and now only drink on occasion like holidays, maybe once a week 1-2 drinks while watching sports, or if I'm out with friends at a bar. I have been reading new studies about alcohol and how no amount is good to drink. It contributes to mental decline and increases your cancer risk. The Surgeon General even wants to put a cancer warning on alcohol like cigarettes and tobacco products. People don't want to say it, but it is poison for our bodies. I care about my health and well-being, but I'm also young and want to relax and enjoy life. I wish alcohol wasn't as prevalent and socially accepted as it is. This is probably a good decision. I'm not entirely sure.