Embarassing Anal Moment

Hi everyone. I (19F) just had my first anal sex with someone (21M) and it was going smoothly at first. We were going at it when he stops and pulls away. I ask him why so I look, and I see he has poop on his dick. My poop. On his dick. I felt completely mortified, embarassed, ashamed, all the feelings you could possibly feel and I kept apologizing and handing him wipes to clean it up. He proceeds to slap me hard on the face and tells me to get out.

When I tell you I dressed as fast as I could and ran. We have not spoken since and I do not want to speak to him. I’ve blocked him on everything. I guess now I just needed to vent because I understand that it wasn’t an ideal situation, obviously, it was gross I know, but I’m pretty shaken. I was blindsided by him hitting me. I didn’t mean to. I just feel so shitty (ha) about myself, and though I’m smart enough (and self respecting enough) to know that he was in the wrong for that slapping part, a part of me can’t help but feel like garbage for ruining the experience with my shit, literally

Edit: I realize my tone of speaking might be too light and so, unnerving. I get it. Keep in mind this are words on a screen and emotions are hard to convey. If I seem like I am not makig too big a deal about this it is only so that I do not lose my fucking mind. It’s hard to express, the feeling of knowing that yes something bad was done to you, but also a subconscious thing telling you to shut up, stop playing the victim, toughen up. It’s a real war of emotions in me right now.

This being said, thank you for telling me I’m not in the wrong. I’m still in the state of numbness if that makes sense. I’m just completely new to sex and trying new things and it just so happens that this was my first anal sex ever. I sure know how to pick em eh?