Looking for advise on how to preserve fertility before HRT to have surrogate children in the future

Context: hi 👋 everyone 😊, it’s been quite hard for me emotionally and mentally as I’ve been dealing with a stressful thought that still lingers within my mind and my heart, as i do plan to transition (mtf) has anyone actually tried to perserve fertility before taking HRT if i maybe want to have a surrogate baby or adopted kid (adopted if plans changed)

2024: it’s now 2024 as of February and i took my private diploma in cybersecurity and i have this annoying and stressful thought that keeps on lingering with my mind

2025-2026 : my ns and i would still be living with my parents and that they mostly likely plan to retire in my home country

2027: still living with my parents cuz i have to complete my private degree in cybersecurity

2028: finally be able to finish my degree and go for a cybersecurity job and probably rent a room for myself or possible be living with my partner, (probably needs some planning for my own room/ single house)

2029: unsure on how to preserve my fertility if i really want to have a surrogate baby, but laws in sg doesnt even seem favourable tbh (and honestly i need help and advice on this)

2030 - 2060 : somehow be able to still be employed without getting outed while going for hrt first and then surgery later

Questions: 1) are there clinics that are locally in sg that can be helpful for pre-hrt trans girls that help with male fertility perservation

2) if sg laws doesnt allow surrogacy and if so, how does going to my home country philippines work? (not sure if there are filipino trans girls here, but if you are let me know cuz i really need help)

3) has anyone have experience SRS and how do i find reliable and legitimate SRS operations in thailand or other other countries in SEA region?