I just woke up here from astral projecting (shifting method)

I successfully astral projected for the first time today (it was my thrid or fourth try i think) and i did it 3 times. First time i was scared and confused because i wasnt expecting it. I did it through the dream with intention and i felt myself leaving my body so i continued the process and i was on my ceiling i forgot where i wanted to go so i accidentally heard some weird noise and then everything turned black and nothing existed (perhaps void state) and then i woke up in my CR in my bed.

Next time i was already used to it (again today 1 hour after)and i remembered my WR so i imagined it but nothing happened. I wasnt so sure how to switch realities so may someone give me tips?

And the next time i wanted to explore space so i wanted to get out of my room but i couldnt for some reason and woke up here again.

Does anyone know why I couldnt get out of the room or switch my reality and can someone give me tips for my next AP try?

Astral projection came way faster to me than shifting. It was probably because i believe more in AP than shifting i dont even know why. But i really really wanna shift so bad like im desperate. This reality is killing me im doing everything just to escape it.