Question to people who have ACTUALLY shifted (awake and sleep method)

I have some questions to some shifters who had experience with their journey and process, mind you that I'm a new shifter that was influenced by the misinformation by tiktok in the early year, so I don't seem to catch on everything like everybody else. (Other than that, baby shifters are still welcome!)

Awake Method Note: I've been only trying to do this type of method since I don't trust myself sleeping and wasting about half of my days, but I'll get onto this topic later on.

  1. First question, how did shifting feel like? The moment you shifted, what did you feel, what did you hear, what it felt like. I'm not sure how it feels to be shifting to a new reality with an awake method, so it's complicated for me to feel! Please answer this.

  2. How long does it take to shift with awake method? Does it take an average time (1-10 minutes) or quite a long time?

  3. Is it too complicated to shift with this? I personally can't answer since I don't have any experience, so answer please!

Sleep Method Note: I rarely do this method because I don't trust myself to waste half of my day and wake up disappointed, except if it's night and I'm really tired, It's a different story.

  1. How do you know that you have shifted and know the time it's to sleep and finally fall in your DR? Does it feel like anything when you have shifted?

  2. Do you need to use any dreaming, minding manipulation things for this method? Such as Lucid Dreaming, Astral projecting and stuff like that.

  3. How long does it take to shift?

Note for what I believe: I have quite an intention and positive mind to shift, I'm still hopeful for my first shifting experience as I've only discovered "shifting realities" this year. Although, I did try early this year I messed up ALOT with misinformation, so I'm researching day and night to see what was wrong and what's wrong with me not shifting. I accept any advice and I'll try to reply back. Thank you!