used loa successfully without realizing it

I randomly remembered something I used to do about two years ago and felt the need to share it here (sorry if something is not understood correctly, I'm using a translator!)

The thing is that a while ago I used to like a classmate of mine, and I liked him so much to the point that I was constantly having daydreams of situations between him and me, such as: I quite frequently imagined myself doing something or him saying something to me. or even things that happen to both of us; but when I say this it was ALL THE TIME. When I woke up, while I was bathing, before going to sleep and so on.

At that time I knew about manifestation and stuff but I had never tried it with it, much less did I know what LOA was or that I could use it (nor that I was using it, actually, if I correct myself)

So, the thing is that after a few days or weeks, and I'm not lying when I say this because remembering all this seems pretty crazy to me, everything, literally, EVERYTHING I imagined ended up happening. EXACTLY AS I SAW IT IN MY MIND.

The things I imagined him saying to me? He said them just as I already imagined, the random situations that I imagined? Those situations happened just as I thought. And it happened so fast now that I remember, it didn't even took weeks.

Plot twist: I stopped liking him just when he started liking me and nothing ever happened between us, lol

But that's not exactly what I came for, it was just to give you a perspective of what I'm talking about and what I'm getting at.

Last year I started with the topic of shifting and to inform myself about the manifestation and I got to know the law of assumption, but it was not until recently that I realized that I had already been practicing LOA without realizing it for some time.

And the thing is that I just have a hard time reaching that milestone with the LOA just like before, I tried everything I did before now to go to my DR, for so long, with such persistent intention, but I feel like I only get more stuck.

If you were in my place, what would you do to simply "let go" of all connection with the CR and shift, without giving so much importance to what is already done with just the intention?

I feel so frustrated because I successfully accomplished so much with this before without knowing it and now I just feel so stuck here.