Is there anyone else here that doesn’t socialize with the opposite sex at all?

It just seems so pointless. I know they don’t care, and are likely very happy we voluntarily remove ourselves from their circle(s), but over the years my desire for socializing, befriending, etc. the opposite sex has completely vanished. I don’t see a point in boosting their alright overinflated egos just so they can crush mine - or what little I have left. Besides essential encounters you can’t get out of (work, pointless encounters in public, etc.) I personally haven’t spoken to one since 2018 and I have zero regrets.

There’s nothing I can’t do with a woman that I can’t do with a man. Men are usually better companions and typically don’t wear a chip on their shoulders regarding our physical appearance (although this obviously doesn’t apply to everyone.) It’s easier to get along, and everything doesn’t come off as fake or transactional.

The older I get the more bitter I become. I get a smug sense of satisfaction that the right wont is trying their best to take their rights away, and while I think it’s dumb (since everyone should be afforded basic healthcare), the sadistic side of me can’t help but smile at how worried they are. Obviously that has nothing to do with us, but I guess we’re allowed to have our schadenfreude. It’s only fair.