Our shrimp keep randomly dying, help please!


Hoping to find some help here. My partner is getting discouraged as we’ve tried so much but keep randomly finding our shrimp dying.

We have a 10 gallon tank. We started with 11 shrimp and over the last 2 months losing them randomly are now down to I think 4. We have yellow and red cherry shrimp.

We’ve been doing 10% water changes every week or two. Through a slow drip siphon method.

We’ve added a water heater to maintain temp.

We’re using catappa leaves and peat pellets to control PH which is still high.

We’ve been feeding them blanched zucchini slices and fish food now and then.

We have a lot of snails, trying to get an assassin into the tank to help.

We also found recently they developed parasites (scutariella japonica) and after research gave some of them an aquarium salt bath for 30 seconds to clear the parasites off them. This is a new development though. We lost two since doing this treatment two days ago.

Photo added for reference (water is low right now it’s mid water change).


Hoping to find some help here. My partner is getting discouraged as we’ve tried so much but keep randomly finding our shrimp dying.

We have a 10 gallon tank. We started with 11 shrimp and over the last 2 months losing them randomly are now down to I think 4. We have yellow and red cherry shrimp.

We’ve been doing 10% water changes every week or two. Through a slow drip siphon method.

We’ve added a water heater to maintain temp.

We’re using catappa leaves and peat pellets to control PH which is still high.

We’ve been feeding them blanched zucchini slices and fish food now and then.

We have a lot of snails, trying to get an assassin into the tank to help.

We also found recently they developed parasites (scutariella japonica) and after research gave some of them an aquarium salt bath for 30 seconds to clear the parasites off them. This is a new development though. We lost two since doing this treatment two days ago.

Photo added for reference (water is low right now it’s mid water change).