Fresh shrooms are NO JOKE.

My first ever grow is coming in strong and one fully matured faster than the others, so I decided to harvest it and test how potent fresh shrooms really were. I doubted it because I read somewhere that “smaller shrooms” while fresh are just micro doses…. But I should’ve taken reddits advice instead. They REALLY ARE more potent. I have never tripped that hard in my life, and it was an emotional roller coaster.

A friend of mine (now ex friend) knew I was tripping, and decided to spam me with creepy images and messages like “wake up”, “you’re not on earth” “this isn’t real life, wake up” and it sent me for a bad trip. I blocked him, and went on to try and calm myself down by watching cake baking videos. One of said videos had the Coraline theme in it, and I started to cry because Coraline was my moms favorite movie when she was around. I started having suicidal thoughts, and couldn’t stop thinking of hanging myself in my closet. I was nearly inconsolable, and I called my brother sobbing hysterically. He came to my apartment with his dog (Dotty) because he knows how much I love animals. It seemed like Dotty could tell I was anxious, because she wouldn’t stop following me and cuddling up to me as if she was trying to calm me down.

Eventually all settled around 5am and I went to bed, but my brother was still here when I woke. I felt like I was still in a bit of a trance, and he pretty much told me that he was worried so he decided to stay & sleep on the couch.

As a whole, I’m somewhat afraid to try fresh mushrooms again… but I think it might’ve just been my friend who fucked me up.