Am I a baritone?

Okay, so I struggle a bit with my vocal classification (I know, I know, it doesn't really matter, but I still would like to know what's the most realistic goal I could work towards) because I don't really know whether I'm a baritone or a tenor (I'm not completely delusional, so I know I'm not way a bass, that one is for sure).

I personally think that I'm a baritone because I think I have a bit more weight to my voice than a tenor would have and I struggle with high notes above G4.

Disclaimers: Yes, I sound horrible, but this is the only recording where I sound somewhat okay. And yes, I know that I mispronounced a lot of words, like "dawn", I'm so sorry for that (especially to the American users). I'm not a native speaker (very obviously). I did my best.

I have a LOOOONG way to go, I know, but that's not the point of this post right now. I just want to know whether I'm a tenor or a baritone (I think I'm the latter).

So, here is the recording (and thank you for your help in advance, and sorry if it made you cringe way too hard):