Does your partner support your singing?

I recently made some significant improvements in my singing (I recorded myself over a period of 2 years to mark my progress, of which my wife also agreed that I had improved). Anyways, we went to karaoke one night and I pulled off a song I’ve never been confident enough to do in front of people and the response was great….except her, she looked visibly annoyed. I was so happy that I had achieved a small personal goal and her reply was “glad you had fun jerking off”. It felt like she was annoyed that I was so happy for something so insignificant. I toned it down immediately after that and forgot about it for the rest of the night. Anyway, i brought it up to her a few days later and she said she doesn’t like my voice and that she tolerates it, adding that I should stop sharing with her everytime I think I’ve improved and that in the future I shouldn’t share this part of me with her anymore cause I can’t force her to like it. I think I’m starting to realize she will never like my voice, no matter how much I try to improve, it makes me sad, but our relationship has so much great in it. Music for some reason is the thorn, I’ll get over it eventually, but wanted to know if any of you out there face the same thing.

Update: thanks for your support everyone, really helped me feel less crappy, gotta sleep now, lets never stop the music!