are people just 'streisanding' the flat earth theory?

i remember lurking very tiny websites twenty years ago regarding flat earth nutjobs because it fascinated me. it was a fun little lark to go read these forums and be a little entertained.

but in the past ten or so years a small but lucrative industry has flourished on the internet regarding both promoting and debunking the 'theory.'

is it possible that part of the problem is that the idea is now so prevalent, due to billions of clicks on youtube, that more people who are susceptible to these ideas are being exposed to it, be it from those championing it or those refuting it?

just wondering if there's a bit of a 'streisand effect' thing going on here and if debunkers are actually 'helping' the flat earth movement by making money off of it.

edit - i've read the comments and all of them are thoughtful and relatively concise. thank you all for that.

but i think i posed the question in too vague a way. i am wondering if people that post monetized videos refuting this 'theory' are bringing too much attention to it in order to promote their own channels and making money on debunking it. even if the channels and bloggers that promote flat earth theory are insignificant, even dignifying them with a response lends the flat earthers a certain sense of credibility.