Playing Skyrim For The First Time

I've always been an online player but recently due to the decline of game quality and increase of min/maxing tryhards I've been getting burnt out. Only recently getting into singleplayer games, I picked up Skyrim because it was on sale on the PS Store. It was entirely different than all the other games I've played since then. Initially I got bored fast due to my comfort in the online sphere. I couldn't really go 30 mins without feeling alone or overwhelmed due to not understanding a lick of the lore. The only other singleplayer game I played you were playing a preestablished character with a linear storyline. Skyrim is different, it became hard for me to make choices in the game (I'm an indecisive person) and it hindered my progress of the game. I didn't know who my character was and I felt disconnected from everything around me. That is until I learned to immerse myself into the world and essentially roleplay as my character. I made a 'character sheet' of traits my character has and their moral alignment. Now I have SO MUCH fun with the game and I can enjoy every aspect of it. I no longer feel conflicted on choices nor do I feel disconnected. It makes me feel like a fleshed out character in the world. Now I'm barely started on my first playthrough and I already can see me playing a second time as a new character with a new story.

I remember this game coming out for the first time and I'm a bit bummed I didn't play it earlier, but better late than never I guess.