Question regarding a mod making philosophy (About making bigger cities)
A lot of us talk about how skyrim cities are meant to be a representation of what the actual cities would be in lore. All of them are too small to be considered cities, being at most villages and castles.
There are many mods that make cities better, some even make them slighly bigger by using the space outside the cities. But there are limits on how big you can make cities be, after all the world only has so much space that can be used.
So this made me wonder, has anyone tried to approach this issue by: making cities bigger inside than oustide?
Taking a city with a loading screen for a simple example, like whiterun. You take the city, and let it ocuppy the same vanilla space that the it does outside, but inside the cell you expand the city to make it, much, much bigger.
Of course, this would need a certain suspension of disbelief by mod user, but this is already required for many mods and even vanilla houses that are bigger on the inside.
vanilla open cities would pose a problem, and would have to be artificially closed for this to work, of course.
I realkize this could mess with many mods that add quests and scripts inside cities, but I wonder if this could be remedied by not altering the main structure of the city, only expanding beyond it's internal cell borders. So You could, say, pretend that all of vanilla whiterun is the cloud district, and build around it the other 2 districts with completely new buildings.
Would and approach like this be feasible from a technical standpoint? Would it be acceptable from a design standpoint?