Paid lootboxes, grueling grindwalls and free mods for real money. Dissection of Skyrim Role Play, an illegal online project based on The Elder Scrolls V

Disclaimer: this post was created to bring public attention to the serious, unprecedented problem of deceitful and illegal enrichment at the expense of illegally distributed Bethesda assets and the assets of the modding community.

I apologize in advance for any mistakes in the text. English is not my first language.

Just recently I wrote 2 posts about the illegal and vicious actions of the creators of the Skyrim Role Play project. In this post I will describe in more detail about who is monetizing Skyrim Role Play, using mods from Nexus without approval Nexus Mods website and the lowest methods of monetization, forcing some players to give weighty amounts of money. Please take some time to read and share this publication for a quicker end to the vicious act of profiteering. By your actions you can help end it sooner.

Skyrim Role Play (hereinafter SRP) is essentially an online modification based on The Elder Scrols 5, which has its own server. The project was based on the old publicly available open source code of another mod that implements the online component in Skyrim - SkyrimMP. SRP unlike its “parent” does NOT require a copy of the game, uses (at the time of writing this post) assets from free mods without the permission of their authors and aims to make money through aggressive monetization. Also SRP is not related to SkyrimMP in any way, except for borrowed code, as the creators of SkyrimMP wrote on their Discord server after the release of SRP. The SRP team actively denies the fact of using publicly available SkySMP assets, but there is enough information on the web to disprove the absence of these connections. The drama around SRP's use of SkyMP assets is big enough to warrant a separate post, so it is mentioned here in passing.

SRP became publicly available at the end of January 2025. Shortly before that, YouTube began to show praise videos from a number of authors whose content is related to Bethesda games. The server itself is officially positioned as a role-playing server, i.e. aimed at role-playing and everything related to it. I will specifically not talk about the implementation of this aspect in the SRP project because there is no need for it within the main topics and goals of this publication. Also I will not talk about the very few positive aspects and features of this project for moral and ethical reasons. Therefore, this post will be devoted to the negative sides of the project. And believe me, these sides greatly outweigh all the positive ones.

SRP can be downloaded from the official website of the project, which is hosted on Cloudflare servers and has a dynamic IP address:

On the project website you can find information on its installation. Based on the information provided on the site, It is not necessary to own a purchased copy of Skyrim to play SRP. You can make sure of it personally, or look at the following screenshots: . Based on this information, at a minimum, SRP's method of distribution violates Bethasda's EULA:

Part 1: microtransaction store

After installing the project, registration, logging into the game and initial loading, the player is given a choice: play as a character in a free slot, or buy an additional one. There is only one free slot, but the number of paid slots is unknown to me because I have no desire to check it through my own wallet, participating in the enrichment of the project holder:

After logging into the game, you can go to the in-game microtransactions store and check out what SRP offers players for real money.

If you are a little familiar with conditionally free online projects, which SRP is (do not forget that to play you do not need a copy of Skyrim, it is important in the context of further discussion), as well as have experience playing Skyrim, you will quickly be able to understand the root of the economy of this project. From the information on the screen it becomes clear that the game has two types of currency: paid - dragon coins (hereinafter DC) and septims. The first are purchased for real money. 1 unit of DC is equal to 0.020$ (2 rubles, in the native currency of the project) and 50 septims. Remember these values. All items in the store from the screenshot are sold for DC. In it you can find a lot of interesting things: boosters, lootboxes, armor from mods and much more. Below I will start to sort out the most interesting (outrageous) things that are sold in this store.

Let's start with the armor. As a seasoned Nexus Skyrim regular, I was initially struck by the availability of armor sets from this site in the store, which are referred to here as “guises”. The minimum and maximum price of these sets range from 1499 DC to 1999. That is, the price for the cheapest set is about 7$, and the most expensive about 10$.

The screenshot above does not show all the kits that are available to purchase with DC. There are other kits in the game that can be dropped from local lootboxes, sold in the same paid store. t is not possible to acquire them unless through in-game purchase. The cost of one lootbox is DC 199, which is a little less than 1$. Guises in lootboxes are the most valuable loot, which is quite expensive to knock out. On one of the streams I caught a moment where a man spent about 15$, but never got anything good. In the game, tthere is no way to see the item drop rate chances. The process of opening the loot box is done inside the game itself. Below is the content of the lootbox and video with the process of opening it and a screenshot of the content:

Here is another video showcasing the armor that you can obtain:

Here is the current list of paid armor available in loot boxes and directly in the store (the names in the list are presented as in SRP):

- Облик драконьего лорда

- Облик серебряного дракона

- Облик гростмейстера Мораг Тонг

- Облик мага затмения

- Облик серебряного рыцаря

- Облик мифического рассвета

- Облик запятнанного воина

These screenshots feature some of the skins from the list above, now equipped by players:

I was unable to contact the authors of these mods, except for 4thUnknown, who reported on their Boosty about the illegal use of their mods in SRP:

4thUnknown reported that they managed to reach an agreement with the author of SRP, about whom I will write below, to remove all their works from the project this week. This happened on January 29. However, the armor is still available for purchase in the game (as of the time of this publication). At least, the store page hasn't disappeared, and the buy button works properly. Also, as of the time of this post, the armor can still be found on players.

Translation of the message from Boosty 4thUnknown:

"Lethallan One-Sixteenth, thank you very much for your advice. The first point was completed, and I received a response, albeit not a very satisfactory one. We will wait a bit to see how events unfold, but so far, there have only been empty words and no actions from the project owner."

UPD: the other day armor mods were removed from the game. But they could still be found in the project files as of 04.02.2025 The author of the project claimed that the removal is temporary and in the future the taken and used without request equipment will be returned to the store after making changes to it. Below is the proof:

The translation of the message from the screenshot above:

"Changes to paid skins: "Some skins have been TEMPORARILY replaced with other skins, we will already have them back this week, right after we redo them."

Unfortunately, for various reasons, I was unable to contact other authors of armor/clothing mods whose works were mentioned above. Therefore, I do not have reliable information on how their works ended up in the project and whether they contacted the creators of SRP, if any agreements were made at all. According to unconfirmed information, Pulcharmsolis (the author of the Morag Tong Grandmaster Armor mod) was informed about the presence of his work in the SRP donation store without his personal permission.

Continuing the topic of mods used in SRP, it's worth mentioning that this project includes not only mods for equipment. SRP includes the following list of mods
Among this list, there are modifications from authors whose works are prohibited from being distributed in such projects (judging by the permission list on their pages). Here are a few examples:

I informed some of the authors of these mods that their works are being used in SRP. However, as of the time of this post, I have not received any responses.

Part 2: gameplay and economy

I think we've talked enough about modifications. So it's time to talk a bit about the economy and gameplay of this project. I must note that I was not lucky enough to learn much about these aspects of the game due to the unstable performance of SRP on my system: I regularly encountered crashes every minute, which prevented me from gathering enough material. Therefore, the following passage will be less informative.

 In SRP, you can buy 'businesses,' equipment, craft items, and trade with other players. Sounds good, right? But the problem is that earning money in this game, at least in its initial form (I couldn't try others due to the aforementioned reasons), involves various routine types of gameplay, called 'work.' There are many types of work in the game, but they all fall into main categories, including agriculture, wood processing, and fishing. Each work category has its own level system, and progressing through it grants you access to new types of work. It's possible that with the increase in level and the opening of new types of work, the earnings increase. I couldn't verify this. Throughout all my futile attempts to record footage without crashes, I managed to try two main types of work.

Wood processing includes the following activities:

- carrying logs

- chopping firewood

- cutting down trees

Initially, only carrying logs is available to you. To unlock the other two types of work, you need to reach the corresponding level in the profession. To level up, you need to complete the required number of repetitions. For example: one carried log = 1 repetition. In the screenshot above, you need to complete 600 repetitions to reach level 2 in the woodcutting branch. Below is the gameplay of a woodcutter:

  One minute of 'work' yields about 5 septims. After working for a while, you may notice that your character has a need for food and drink. You will notice this when you see that your stamina and HP are significantly lower than their maximum level. Wandering around, you will quickly realize that you cannot steal anyone's sweet roll, nor can you take anything in this game. All items that can be picked up in regular Skyrim can be picked up by the players Therefore, the only way to get food, aside from begging other players, is to buy provisions from a trader. Below are the prices as of 02.01.2025:

Based on the data provided above, to buy one bottle of water, you need to spend about 15 minutes doing monotonous and routine work, while buying one unit of the cheapest food takes about 3 minutes. It is worth noting that one unit of the cheapest food only satisfies 20% of the hunger bar. This means that to fully fill the hunger bar, you would need to work at the sawmill for about 30 minutes.

After such a revelation, some may want to leave the project and never return to it, but those who, for some reason, decide to continue their journey in the world of SRP may want to try changing their way of earning in hopes of an easier existence. In this case, other types of work activities are available to the player. For example, working on a farm.

As with wood processing, several types of work are available, which are unlocked as you level up, working in the same way I described above. Roll up your sleeves and let's get to work. This process looks as follows:

 From the video, it becomes clear that working on the farm earns more money. Instead of 5 septims per minute of work, you can earn 9 on the farm. This means that after 15 minutes of work, you can buy the cheapest food.

While farming, you may start to notice that free world PvP is thriving in SRP. This creates the need to buy armor and weapons. The initial equipment can be purchased from traders. Approaching a vendor, you can observe the following price range:

Upon seeing this picture, you might be shocked by the high level of realism in SRP. After all, in real medieval times, armor and weapons always cost a fortune. On a serious note, based on these prices, you can calculate that to earn enough for the cheapest armor and a basic iron axe, you would need to carry hay on the farm for about 4 hours. If converted to DC, the axe and cheap armor would cost you $0.28. It is worth noting that equipment and Items in inventory do not drop upon your death and cannot be taken from your body, but this does not apply to your weapons. Therefore, there is a natural need to store the weapons you acquire. This can be done in a personal house. If you decide to buy a house, you will see the following price range:

I won't even bother to calculate how much time it would take to farm the amount needed to buy a house here. I'll just say that buying a cheap house will cost you $10, and buying an expensive one will cost you $142.

Unfortunately, I was unable to conduct a deeper analysis of the SRP economy due to frequent crashes while working on this post, as I mentioned earlier. For unknown reasons, I am among the 50% of SRP players who experience regular crashes. However, the materials available are sufficient to draw a conclusion about the nature of the monetization system of this project. SRP has an extremely rigid monetization system, which from the very first minutes of gameplay, tries to force the player to contribute funds to the developers' account. Various techniques are used for this: grindwalls, casino elements, boosters, and loss of equipment.

Part 3: Who is behind all of this and what to do about it

If the information I have obtained is accurate, then the content creator known as "Kem" may be behind all of the above:

Information that this content creator owns the SRP project was provided to me by the main developer of SkyMP in the comments under my previous publication. It was also mentioned in one of the news posts on the SkyMP Discord server:

Translation of the content:

"A new star has risen on the SkyMP horizon."


"I just woke up and saw that the Skyrim RP server by Kem opened the day before yesterday. Not to be confused with the 2023 Skyrim RP server by Rinat. I understand that if you're just a chill guy and have been playing SkyMP for half a year, this might be just a jumble of words for you. Let me explain."


"SkyMP is our open-source technology for playing Skyrim online."


"SweetTaffy is our official flagship server, which you play every day. It offers the latest multiplayer features and a lively, diverse world that generates numerous role-playing situations. That's us."


"Skyrim RP is a newly opened third-party server based on SkyMP with its own launcher. It is a clone of GTA 5 RP projects."


"What should you know as players?"


"Do not use your passwords from other social networks in the Skyrim RP launcher. It is unsafe."


"When installing the Skyrim RP launcher, be aware of the risks. We cannot be responsible for the content of their build. By installing Skyrim RP, you are fully trusting their administration and developers."


"It is forbidden to mention SkyMP/SweetTaffy on the Skyrim RP server, you will be banned. Imho, it's Small Dick Energy, and the bullshit about their own multiplayer was obviously unnecessary. You know, like, who are you guys trying to fool, it's weird."


"Skyrim RP's policy on mods and the scamp itself has burned my elderly SkyMP ass.  You download mods and poke yourself in the launcher without asking permission from the authors. This applies to both SkyMP and mods from nexus. Make amends and never do that again. I understand, “what will you do to me, I'm in another city”,  but no one canceled the rules of decency."

It follows that Kem may be the main culprit in this whole affair. This man, or whoever is behind him, in pursuit of money, has committed a number of serious moral offenses, not to mention the ones described above. I don't know what made him so brazenly integrate other people's mods into his project without their authors' permission and distribute Bethesda assets bypassing their EULA a naive belief that his project won't be shut down by outside forces, or a desire to get rich quick before the project closes. Either way, he was and is receiving money from this project that he has no right to earn. A right both moral and legal. The purpose of this post is to contribute to closing SRP as quickly as possible, so that those responsible for its creation get as little money as possible, and SRP players (future and current) lose as little of their finances and energy as possible. Because SRP clearly won't live as long as other games with similar monetization but of a legal nature. Most likely, most of the people who are sincerely invested in this project, who are not involved in its advertising, are not even aware of all these stories with stolen mods and the very serious potential possibility of Zenimax and Bethesda shutting down the project.

Some may think that the scenario of project closure by Bethesda and its publisher has almost zero chance of happening due to the potential location of SRP developers under Russian jurisdiction, which I wrote about in one of my previous posts. I want to say that it is not Known for certain to the end under whose jurisdiction are the one responsible for the creation of SRP. But even if they live in Russia, we have an example with the Russian project GTA NextGen Edition, whose origin did not save it from widespread removal, including from Russian Internet sites. This example shows that it is in our power to force the guilty to bear at least some punishment.

Because of all of the above, I really ask you to spread this post by reposting it. You can also use the information from it to create your own publications and post them anywhere you like. I also ask you to bring the information I have outlined to content creator whose attention to this topic will greatly help Bethesda and Zenimax to react to this egregious situation as soon as possible.