Acting out my dreams. Help!!
I’ll keep it short. I’m a 23 year old male. 6’3 205 lbs. Only medication I take is mirtazapine 15MG and I use nicotine pouches. Other then that I’m pretty healthy
Sometimes I’ll have some pretty weird dreams and end up waking up and I’m acting them out. Last night I had a dream there was a big spider on my bed and I was using my blanket to smush it. I woke up and I was literally using my blanket to kill this fake spider and threw the blanket off the bed and wouldn’t touch it since I thought there was a dead spider on it lol. I don’t ALWAYS have these sort of dreams, but once in a while I do and it freaks me out! Any explanation for this? All I see is it could be a sign of Parkinson’s or dementia. Hoping it’s none of those lol.