Night help for newborn (5 weeks old)


I have a 5 week old little girl. I am trying to get some tips on nights and figure out what is going on. She is my second but I can recall with my first by this point nights were predictable and followed a pattern. She would go down for a long stretch of sleep (3-4 hours maybe), followed by 2 wake ups usually and then right back to sleep. Maybe I’m delusional and that was later closer to 3 months, but we are struggling big time at 1 month (5 weeks)

I use predictive sleep on my owlet app (haven’t set up dream sock yet) so I’m making sure I’m following wake windows and offering full feeds when she eats every 2-3 hours (closer to 2 right now). She drinks about 3 ounces on average of breast milk and nurses for 15-20 min. Total. She will nap anywhere from 45 min. To 2 hours, with her first nap of the day being the longest and they tend to get shorter from there. I do one crib nap and the rest I don’t stress- contact napping usually or we contact and then finish out in the crib.

Nights are where we are falling apart. From her last “nap” of the day which ends around 9:00 something, it’s chaos. I try to prepare her for her next sleep window which is hopefully our long stretch, but she wakes after 30-45 min. And then on we are dealing with fussiness, colic, LOTS of gas, and just general not settling. We are up from 9:00pm to 4:00am with on/ off gas, snack feeding, and no stretches of sleep unless on one of us in the rocker. This is after attempts at using the 5 S’s and making sure all her needs are met. She does have a reflux diagnosis (silent) and we are on Famitodine for that.

I’m trying to figure out if it’s something I’m doing wrong during the day or if it’s related to feeding (food intolerances creating gas build up, oral ties causing gas issues that just compound and get worse at night somehow? Idk). What I don’t get is how her days can go fine.. naps are fine, gas is minimal or manageable, wake windows are followed (as best I can!), etc., but then the nights are a mess with abdominal discomfort which leads to over-tiredness. We know it’s not a hunger issue because when we offer the bottle she will either eat an ounce or reject. I end up having to comfort nurse her because she won’t take a pacifier either.

I also wanted to add she will fall asleep (milk drunk) after nursing or having a bottle and I don’t know if I should let her sleep like that on me or wake her up and make her stay awake until her next sleep window. This probably isn’t what is causing our night issues but wanted to throw it out there, because it could keep from getting enough calories in during the day. She does have a posterior tongue tie but with overall decent mobility and an upper lip tie.