What am I doing wrong with my 6 week old?

What am I doing wrong with my 6 week old?

STM here and we are STRUGGLING with nights.

Baby is 6 weeks old. I mostly breastfeed. She’s a great daytime sleeper and takes good naps. I follow wake windows and offer feeds every 2-3 hours but some of the time she’s not hungry and most of the time she gets tired quickly and wants to sleep after 50 min or so.

I would say she naps about 4-5x a day and I cap her nap at 2 hours but obviously some naps are short cat naps. Everything falls apart in the evening. I’ve been trying to put her down for the night for a long stretch of sleep somewhere between 9:00-11:00, depending on when her evening nap ended. Except I don’t get a stretch. She struggles with awful nighttime gas pains that during the day she doesn’t have but as the day progresses and goes into the evening it’s like it builds up. By the time night time rolls around she is really bothered by it. We do gas drops, gripe water, warm baths, tummy massages..,

I just started seeing a pediatric chiropractor with her and I plan to get her lip tie and tongue tie released since the Chiro said that could be causing the excess gas. We are up (one of us is at least) for hours at a time with her during the night. It’s just not normal.

Idk if I’m letting her sleep too much during the day? If it’s the gas that’s keeping her up and therefore making her crash during the day? Idk what it is. With my first by this point I was getting stretches of sleep at night. I’m not even talking long stretches- just 3-4 hours at the beginning of the night. Then awake, feed, sleep. Problem is she doesn’t go back to sleep! :(