Am I being ripped off with an accountant?

We are currently paying £225 per month for an accountant and have done since our incorporation a few years ago.

We are a very small business, VAT registered, one person on payroll (me) and have around 10 regularly monthly expenses, including software subscriptions, subcontractors and running costs, Internet, phone etc.

We use Xero which I'm sure is doing 90% of the heavy lifting now it's fully set up and integrated with our payment platforms like Wise and PayPal.

I am sure Xero outputs everything we need, i.e. VAT returns, profit/loss, corporation tax etc. and I'm not 100% sure what our accountant is charging us for (I have asked).

Is this normal for anyone else? Does anyone else do all of their own accounting?

I do not want to cull this expense unnecessarily if I'm overlooking something!