Smart life/tuya curtain setup Guide, set limit position, app pairing, remote control pairing

I'm here because i had trouble finding solutions to this. After quite a bit of trial and error, I pretty much found the way to go.

For those who ordered smart life curtain without a gateway (connects directly to wifi).Here's the setup guide.

To pair the RF remote control to the curtain

  1. go to the motor and hold the button until you hear the 1st beep.
  2. release the button
  3. At the back of ur remote control, click P2 twice, then UP.

To pair the Curtain to the Smart Life app

  1. go to the motor and hold the button until you hear the 1st beep, 2nd beep and finally the 3rd beep.
  2. release the button until you heard the 3rd BEEP.
  3. go to smart life app on ur phone and add the device. (should be straight forward from now)

To adjust motor direction

  1. from the app you will see the motor direction setting (straight forward)

To set the curtain limit position(for this i used to have an older version it was quite straight forward)

  1. on the setting page click Set Limit
  2. the press Open to move the curtain up, and press stop at ur desired position. you will hear beep beep one that's done.
  3. repeat for close and stop at ur desired position. again beep beep, and that's it.

However, i recently ordered a newer version this above feature wasnt working.The fix was i had to clear the setting via remote control first.To do that:

  1. go to your remote control hit P2, Up , P2,
  2. then go to the app and click Set Limit, and repeat the process (2 & 3) as the above^