Brisket failure again
Hi all. This is my 2nd time attempting to cook brisket. I watched this video at the link below and followed it to a T. Really thought I was going to have more success this time. Held 250 deg the entire time without issue, stalled out at about 170 and wrapped it in foil, prodded it with thermometer at about 203 deg and it went through like butter. Sprayed it every once in awhile but too never seemed too dry. I’ll say this attempt was less dry for the most part, thin part of meat was dryer than thick. Other problem was there was no bark. Only issue I can think of was that I let it sit too long in aluminum after pulling from smoker. Also maybe my trimming wasn’t the best. I trimmed as much fat as I could on the non fat cap side. Didn’t trim the fat cap side at all. Fat cap was up during the cook.
Smoking on a WSM 22” if it matters. Some photos attached, forgot to take photo of thin side, it was noticeably dryer than this fat side.