First time smoking Costco beef back ribs

Found these at Costco for $4.50/lb, and having never smoked beef ribs before decided they were worth the $20 and got them.

I then ran to check out this reddit for advice... Only to discover that the Costco beef back ribs have a bed rep. Whoops.

Decided oh well, going to make the best of it, and next time I know what to look out for in terms of them being cut too close to the bone, etc. And if they sucked, it was just $20.

Seasoned with salt/pepper/garlic and smoked on my offset at 225. Decided on cherry wood simply because I had it out from smoking a turkey last weekend. About 3.5 hours in, realized I was out of charcoal to keep feeding the smoker (rookie mistake).

I had been split on wrapping or not, but decided to wrap in butcher paper and move into the oven at 275 to finish.

Y'all - these turned out so great.

I totally get the complaints about the way Costco butchers them. But it was like tender brisket on a stick, and I'd absolutely buy them again.

Even my toddler (plate featured in pic #3) went to town on them.

Another smoking win. And now I'm off to buy more charcoal for the next cook.