What do you want for Sniper Elite 6?
Looking past Sniper Elite Resistance, what does the Sniper Elite community want to see from Sniper Elite 6? I have three suggestions for the future of the franchise...
1) A "softer" PvP invasion mode. I want the enemy player to command the AI troops and run around looking for the sniper player as one of numerous commanders. I want the presence of an invasion to be more fun, and less intense.
2) Make building your character much more interesting through better upgrades and objectives that impact the players resources through the rest of the game. For example, there should be an optional objective that yields +20 silent ammo to the player. If you knock that off, you get +20 silent ammo to use throughout the rest of the game. Another objective might be a map located in a bunker that gives the player more detailed information for the rest of the mission. One objective might be to save PoWs from a cell. If you free them, you get one AI ally to accompany you through the rest of the game (till they die). Completing objectives should make playing the rest of the game feel significantly different and add to replayability.
3) I'd like to see mission timers baked into the level design. If time is something you have to respect, then it makes choosing objectives more interesting. You could even allow players to choose time allotments based on difficulty settings.