Skiing Vs Snowboarding - I can't decide

Update: the skiing subreddit immediately removed my post but as of right now I’m gonna ride.

posted this in the skiing subreddit as well to have less bias. As said in the title I cannot decide which I want to do, I'm gonna buy a snowboard or skis pretty soon. If I miss any notable pros or cons please let me know. Also is one significantly more expensive? I want to spend more time in the terrain park in the future but I also like doing lots of full runs.



I'm better at this currently than snowboarding

More fun on runs

Jumps are easier to land

I like going fast


Boots are very uncomfortable and hard to walk in

I don't like poles

Harder to learn tricks

I fall more often and it hurts a lot



More steez

Boots are very comfortable

Easier to learn tricks

More fun in the terrain park


I've only ever gotten injured on a snowboard

long runs get very uncomfortable since it's a constant battle to not catch an edge

I'm very scared to go fast

I'm currently worse at this compared to skiing

Anyone's opinion on why they made their decision would be very helpful. Thanks!