Jones broke after 6 rides? Warranty denied.

My son (17), been riding since he was 6, bought his own board with hard earned money. He rode it for 6 days before it snapped. No tripods or crazy pressure on the tip/tail. Regular spins and straight airs. Doesn’t like rails much. When people saw it happen everyone was surprised.

Board looks brand new. Not abused. Brought it back and warranty is denied. I feel bad for him. I recommend Jones because I’ve really enjoyed my Flagship and some others for a few years. I’m so disappointed with Jones. Am I wrong? Here is the video of when it happened. Came down a bit hard on the 540 but nothing where it should have broke..?? Funny thing is I heard two other new jones boards came into the shop shortly after my kids Tweeker. Warranty denied. 🤷‍♂️😡😢