I screwed up both my first ever soap batches
Edit: I was able to successfully make 4 batches of soap with the help from you all!. It was the lye that was causing the issue, I ended up going to my local hardware store (Lowes) and buying some of their Roebic Laboratories Lye. I went ahead and used the recipe posted by zoebnj from The Spruce Crafts. With this recipe and the lye I was successful at making my first batches of soap and I'm looking forward to learning more complex soap recipes and eventually making my own. Thanks all for your awesome support.
So I recently decided to try soap making, I bought everything I needed to make a simple two oil soap with some peppermint oil as a scent and a few drops of vitamin e oil.
The batch kept separating after using my hand blender to the point were the blender turned off because it was almost 200 degrees and had to rest.
The recipe I used called for**:**
- 12 oz. coconut oil
- 20 oz. olive oil
- 4.5 oz. 100% lye
- 12 oz. water
I know I screwed up on both of them and used only 10oz of water instead of 12oz. I don't know if this alone is what caused my batches to be so wrong but I'm feeling incredible discouraged at the moment and I really want to save the batches. They're both in the molds right now very liquidy and look a bit separated. I'd welcome any advice.