Anyone here developed this over time?
Honestly until about 5 years ago I used to almost annoy people with how extroverted I was. Couldn't stop talking and had no fear about what others think of me. It got me a girlfriend, quite a lot of friends and some really good close friends despite a few people not taking to me. Now I can barely handle an outing with one person I've known for many years. Even a group setting with people I've known since school is too much and group conversations with strangers or colleagues is far too much now too.
Its really embarrassing and sad. People ask "what happened to you man?" I know mostly why this happened now but its got so bad I don't see any way of avoiding becoming a complete recluse especially since im at an age where I should have at least have maintained some people and ive basically got one friend other than my flatmate I see. Im pretty sure my other friend is basically just got me around as someone to borrow cash from.
This is funny to me but I can't even talk on mic when I sometimes play games online when people can't even see me. 😂