What reasonable accommodations can I make at work as an autistic individual?
Today I learned that a number of team members reported that they dislike my communication style, find it overly critical, factual and logical and that they feel offended when I speak up and make suggestions that things could be improved.
I joined this team several months ago, after transferring from another team (where I experienced harassment, but this is another story). As a heads up, I informed the team that I am autistic and the way I communicate (see above) does not stem from any ill intentions, but rather from my directness and task-oriented, logical way of thinking. To no avail, apparently.
I am a software engineer and generally aim for as high standard in terms of work ethics as I possibly can, but as shown above I struggle with fellow humans. Plus, if thousands of customers could be affected I would rather act to prevent the negative outcome than protect anyone's ego - including my own.
The company might possibly arrange some autism awareness trainings and such, but also it is clear that I will be put on some sort of performance improvement plan and / or required to make some accomodations for the team.
Question is, what can I realistically do? I use as polite language as I possibly can, during peer review I never make personal remarks and focus on technical things, provide feedback, support it with rationale etc. I try to get buy-in for the improvements I propose by showing how they could improve the systems and/or our development experience. I cannot act on feedback myself because I get none - the part of the team that seemingly struggles with my communication also almost never speaks to me, let alone gives feedback.