r/speedrun AGDQ23 Gift Sub Giveaway!
Hey everyone!
The gift sub giveaway is on again this week, so read below for the instructions!
Myself ( u/amyrlinn ), u/PicanteLive, and u/ALT-F-X will be giving away 10 subs total every day! We'll randomly choose them from people who comment on this post, so comment below with your Twitch username, and the winners will be edited into the post! I'm helping produce GDQ from 11pm-5am this week, so they'll be chosen whenever I manage to wake up. The first pick will be midday Sunday! Please note that if you are already subbed to GDQ, you can't win in this giveaway, purely because Twitch doesn't allow us to gift subs to someone who's already subbed.
Also, there's a second place and grand prize! On Tuesday, when I pick the winners, I'll also pick someone to "win" $50 to donate to the incentive of their choice, and on Friday, I'll pick the grand prize winner to "win" $100 to the incentive of their choice! Winners will also get a gift sub if they haven't won one already.
Thanks everyone for reading, and have a great GDQ!
Sunday winners: u/nobadabing, u/MisterRez, u/KaizenMa, u/huds601, u/Spess_Duck, u/Marthmer, u/Far_Dirt4163, u/Otmarr, u/troist, u/Anaartimis
Monday winners: u/Ozmourn, u/Majestic_Fish, u/noodle-face, u/iacedavehs, u/Inglipped, u/Odiua,u/is_this_a_weeb, u/Baramous, u/ripllamasa, u/FrenchFrey1
Tuesday winners: u/ColonelSanders21, u/HeyLittleMonkey, u/Nareklus, u/Sefyrian, u/Meziskari, u/Keksverkaufer, u/burtmcburtburt, u/WarDrumsGaming, u/MyOwnBlendPibetobak, u/Killershadows
Wednesday winners: u/PeekingBoo, u/Darayavaush, u/hiryu2040, u/Shadowclaw10, u/uLtra007, u/PCMDave, u/3zand1, u/JohnBakedBoy, u/Jortjevb, u/CRSdefiance
Thursday winners: u/Trotty282, u/FullMetalCOS, u/ddiissccoo, u/ShinLarc, u/Aspharon, u/Stealth_Ninja373, u/tsularesque, u/JadedDependent5894, u/Soulcloset, mchlan (couldn't find their post to tag)
Friday winners: u/SoSweetAndTasty, u/jmeredith06, u/HeeroJay, u/bananapegasus, u/TritonusRaven, u/CTH2122, u/Jordache7k, u/sirhyl, u/THRlTY, u/bikki420
Saturday winners: u/namelessxsilent, u/funwok, u/Epzilon1, u/hagofthelake, u/cosHinsHeiR, u/FryJPhilip, u/sandmyth, u/Nuhji, u/Verxl, u/bystandertim
That's all! Thanks to the 115 participants, and we'll see you at SGDQ 2023!